Please e-mail for help and/or contact your program directors by email only via the following email addresses:
- Biomedical Engineering Program Director:
- Computer Engineering Program Director:
- Electrical Engineering Program Director:
Table of Contents
Click on any question below, to view the answer (the page will scroll down to the answer).
- I missed my midterm/lab/quiz/exam due to illness or medical emergency, what do I do?
- I missed my midterm/lab/quiz/exam due to a serious unforeseen or unavoidable circumstance, what do I do?
- I wrote my midterm/exam but I was not feeling well while I was writing it. Can I submit a medical afterwards?
- I have a religious observance that falls on a midterm/lab/quiz/exam. What do I do?
- I have several exams scheduled close to each other. Do I qualify for exam overload and what actions should I take if I do qualify?
- I want to enrol in a course but I don't have all the pre-requisites. Can the pre-requisites be overridden so I can enrol?
- Why does course XYZ123 need course ZYX321 as a pre-requisite? It doesn't make sense to me when the topics don't seem to relate.
- I want to change my course section. Can the Department do this for me?
- I have taken a course before and would like to be considered for an exemption on the lab component. What do I do?
- I want to enrol in a course but the lecture/lab/tutorial hours overlap with the hours of another course? Can I be allowed to enrol even though I accept this overlap?
- I want to drop a course. What do I do?
- I want to see my final exam. What do I do?
- What is an Advisement Report and how do I view it?
- I want to take part in the Co-Operative Internship Program. What requirements are there and what do I do?
- I do not qualify for the Co-operative Internship Program (See FAQ #13) but I found a job. Can this count as formal "Internship"?
- I want to change programs within the Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science. What do I do?
- I don't agree with the final grade I earned in my course. What can I do?
- I need to write my final exam early due to XXXX. Can this be done?
- I will be away during the scheduled final exam date. Can I write my make-up exam when I am back in town?
- I have an issue about how a course is taught and/or managed. What do I do?
- I missed course intentions or I now have the pre-requisites for courses that were not available to me during course intentions. What do I do?
- Are my Course Intention selections guaranteed?
- What should I do if I receive an error message or I have a “hold” on my account when selecting my Course Intentions?
- What do I do if I need accommodation for a disability?
- What happens if I don’t pass the Writing Skills Test?
- Where can I find out about the Optional Specialization in Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OSEIE) program?
- I want to take a course at another university for credit (e.g. to replace an ECB equivalent I failed). Can I do that?
- What is the Spring Transition Program?
- What courses are offerred in the upcoming Spring Transition Program?
- How do i enrol for courses in the upcoming Spring Transition Program?
- I am on Probation. Why do I have to repeat a course that I have passed with a D-?
- I can’t access MyServiceHub, D2L or my “” account. What do I do?
- I can’t access, or have problems, with my “” account. What do I do?
- I have a question regarding the Department’s computing and lab facilities.
- I would like to access lab equipment during unscheduled hours. Can I do this?
- I am in my 4th year and I failed a course. Do I need to come back again next year?
- I am currently taking Table I/II courses in the 7th/8th semester. If I fail a course, or if I'm taking extra courses, can I exchange Table I courses for Table II (or vice versa) so that I can fulfill my graduation requirements?
- How do I renew my entrance scholarship?
- I want to improve the grade in some of my past courses but I have already graduated from the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering. Is it possible for me to come back and do this?
- I want to improve the grade in some of my past courses and I am currently able to apply to graduate. What should I do?
- Who do I speak to in the Department for issues/questions/advice?
- How do I seek temporary leave-of-absence (or) Short-Term Withdrawal
- How do I apply for the new Software Option?
- How do I get enrolled and select my course intentions in the new Software Engineering Option?
- Why am I on Probation?
- What does it mean to be on Probation?
- Why is my advisement report giving me errors and not reflecting what I see in the current university calendar?
- How do I fix advisement report errors?
- Which Calendars should I follow to determine my Graduation Requirements?
- How can I enroll into Chang School courses?
- I am not sure who to go to for my specific issue. What services and resources are available to students on campus for conflict resolution?
- Where can I report an incident that is specific to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion?
- ) I missed my midterm/lab/quiz/exam due to illness or medical emergency, what do I do?
According to TMU Senate Policy 167: "In the case of illness, a Student Health Certificate, or a letter on letterhead from an appropriate regulated health professional with the student declaration portion of the Student Health Certificate attached, is required to be submitted to the office of the student’s own program. In all these cases, documentation is required within three (3) working days of the missed work."
You are required to submit all of your pertinent documentation through the University's online Academic Consideration Request system at the following link:
NOTE 1: This does not mean that you can go to a medical practitioner AFTER you were sick. It means that you have to SUBMIT the paperwork within 3 business days. While medical certificates can be submitted within 3 business days per the policy, it does not mean the visit to the Doctor can be delayed after the fact, as this would miss the whole point of having a Doctor check (and verify) illness on the day a student reports missing course work. Unless there is an exceptional circumstance, (i.e., if the medical illness, including documented mental health issues, prevents a student from seeking medical attention or documenting their illness in at timely fashion), the Department will reject ALL such "delayed doctor visit" Student Health Certificates presented at the front-office. So, if you are sick, go see your family doctor, go to a clinic, the University medical office or the hospital– and don't wait for days to do that! No doctor can tell us how sick you were in the past!
NOTE 2: "Exceptional circumstances" are just that: exceptional. Saying that your Doctor's office was closed, or you didn't have time, or you had nobody to take you, etc., is not an exceptional circumstance!
NOTE 3: The Department checks all medical notes for authenticity and validity with the health professional.
NOTE 4: You are only required to submit one University Health Certificate, listing the missed course work items over the date range stated in the University Health Certificate by your physician and re-stated in the ACR form. If you are going to miss work beyond the date indicated on your University Health Certificate when you can return to your studies, then you would need to submit another University Health Certificate following the same process. - ) I missed my midterm/lab/quiz/exam due to a serious unforeseen or unavoidable circumstance, what do I do?
- According to TMU Senate Policy 167: "Documentation required for reasons other than illness should be submitted through the Academic Consideration Request System." Examples of valid documentation are: death certificate, citizenship ceremony confirmation, formal TTC statement of service disruption, etc.
- ) I wrote my midterm/exam but I was not feeling well while I was writing it. Can I submit a medical afterwards?
- If you show up to write a midterm/exam/quiz then, NO, you cannot submit a medical after the fact. Only if you are physically sick early on during an exam, (e.g., vomiting, fainting, seizure, etc.), will any possibility of special consideration be given and that will be at the discretion of the course instructor based on the Exam Invigilator’s report of the circumstances.
- ) I have a religious observance that falls on a midterm/lab/quiz/exam. What do I do?
- According to TMU Senate Policy 150: “If a student is requesting accommodation due to a religious, Aboriginal and/or spiritual observance, he or she must submit a Request for Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal, and Spiritual Observance AND an Academic Consideration form within the first two weeks of the class or, for a final examination, within two weeks of the posting of the examination schedule.” Both documents are available at the following link:
- ) I have several exams scheduled close to each other. Do I qualify for exam overload and what actions should I take if I do qualify?
- Per the university's policy, an exam overload occurs when there are three final exams on the same day, or three consecutive exam sessions. Exam sessions usually start in the morning, noon, afternoon or evening. Example of overloads: Morning, noon, and evening exams on the same day (3 in one day) Afternoon, evening, and another exam the next morning (3 consecutive time slots) Based on the university policy, "Morning" is defined as 8 a.m. to 12 noon, "Afternoon" is defined as 12noon to 6 p.m. and "Evening" is defined as 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. You can find more information at
If you meet the exam overload conditions, you must notify your program department or school within two weeks after the final exam schedule has been published. The program department or school will then make alternate arrangements, in consultation with instructors and students. Normally, in the case of an exam overload, the middle exam is deferred.
- ) I want to enrol in a course but I don't have all the pre-requisites. Can the pre-requisites be overridden so I can enrol?
- NO. Definitely NOT. No exceptions. Don’t even ask. You are not alone in this situation and we do not give preferential consideration to any student above others, regardless of the reasons, personal or otherwise.
Keep in mind that you are not the only one who has failed, dropped or not taken one or more program courses; there are a few students every year who do the same in each of our three programs (ELE, COE and BME), and all these students have the same desire to somehow "save a year". It is worth noting that all full-time students in each of our accredited engineering programs are given equal opportunity to enrol and successfully complete all the required courses in each semester (including transition semesters). Hence, any students missing courses, for whatever reason, must then take full responsibility for the consequences that follow from:- missed prerequisites and/or timetabling conflicts as one attempts to straddle courses across two year-levels;
- reduced course loads;
- delayed graduation, and
- inevitable financial implications.
- ) Why does course XYZ123 need course ZYX321 as a pre-requisite? It doesn't make sense to me when the topics don't seem to relate.
- Course requirements are very carefully scrutinized and much planning and discussion is done to determine pre-requisites. Not only do we do this at a departmental level but we also have the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) that also analyzes our course offerings and provides input and guidance to course requirements. So when you think that some course is not necessary or just put there to make your life difficult, think again.
- ) I want to change my course section. Can the Department do this for me?
- NO. The Department does not, and will not, facilitate section changes, particularly for some common reasons such as: long distance commute from home, part-time work commitments, wanting to be in a section with a friend, etc. A section change is something that you can do on MyServiceHub yourself when there are unfilled sections available. But be aware that leaving one section to try to get into another is not guaranteed and could potentially lock you out of even the section you were originally enrolled in; this is especially true in large classes and when most sections are full. The department only deals with enrollment issues when a student has a special case, e.g., probationary course load, lab conflicts between two courses among the required semester program courses, verifiable Religious Observance exclusion, and late enrollment.
- ) I have taken a course before and would like to be considered for an exemption on the lab component. What do I do?
Marks earned in the past for any component of a course (e.g. Midterm Exam, Final Exam, Quizzes, Labs, Projects, etc.) can never be re-used for the same course being retaken. Doing so would violate academic policy and integrity of our engineering programs. Hence, if the Lab component exemption for your repeat course is approved, then the weight of the LAB component will be transferred over to the THEORY portion of the course (e.g. Midterm and Final Exams). To seek exemption for the Lab component, you need to fill out a Lab Exemption Form (available at:, have the instructor of the course when you previously completed the lab work fill in their part, and then submit to the current course instructor for exemption consideration.
NOTE: the decision for lab exemption is NOT automatic nor is it guaranteed. It is solely based on the current instructor’s discretion. There are many times that lab exemptions are denied as many instructors feel that redoing the labs a second time, when repeating a course, is essential. - ) I want to enrol in a course but the lecture/lab/tutorial hours overlap with the hours of another course? Can I be allowed to enrol even though I accept this overlap?
- NO. Definitely NOT. This kind of situation only happens rarely and usually in cases where a student is trying to “make up” courses or take extra courses. This is not an issue for almost all students. However, if you find yourself in this situation, you either have to find sections that don’t overlap (if possible) or drop one of the courses. The ONLY time this would be allowed is if one of the conflicting time slots is an assigned lab time AND you have been given lab exemption in the said course (see FAQ #9).
- ) I want to drop a course. What do I do
- Go on MyServiceHub and drop the course as needed. However, by doing this you acknowledge that you are aware of the academic repercussions and/or penalties that you may incur. Depending on when you drop during a term can also have financial and academic penalties, so make sure you are aware of the drop deadlines listed on the Significant Dates calendar page: IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a probationary contract you must contact the Associate Chair of Student Affairs before you drop any courses as this may violate the terms of your probationary contract. For more information, see the Enrolment secion of the Student Guide at
- ) I want to see my final exam. What do I do?
- You MUST contact the instructor of the course via e-mail and book a time to see your exam paper. DO NOT go to the front office of the Department. We do not facilitate this nor do we have access to your exam papers. In the rare case where you have attempted repeatedly to contact your instructor and have not received a reply, then you can contact the Department Chair at <>.
- ) What is an Advisement Report and how do I view it?
- The Advisement Report is a tool for Undergraduate degree students that shows all the courses that you have taken or are enrolled in as well as those courses needed in order for you to graduate. As you work your way towards graduation, this report reflects your progress and gives details of the courses you still need to take in order to graduate. Visit to the following MyServiceHub support web page for full details and instructions on how to view your Advisement Report: For further information, support and services for students enrolled in an undergraduate degree, we suggest that you also visit the Curriculum Advising website at:
- ) I want to take part in the Co-Operative Internship Program. What requirements are there and what do I do?
Third year full-time students may be eligible to enrol in the optional Co-operative Internship Program. Upon successful enrolment in the program and securing an approved co-op job, students are required to spend a period of 8-16 consecutive months in a work placement. After completing the requirements of the co-operative internship work placement, students return to the academic program to complete their final year of studies. Enrolment in the Co-operative Internship extends the program length to five years.
Eligibility Criteria (Students need to meet all the criteria listed below by the specified deadlines.): (Effective AY 2019/2020).
Academic Standing CGPA Course Requirement Deadline CLEAR 1.67+ All 1st and 2nd year courses (excluding liberals) September 2019 2.33+ All courses up to 5th semester (excluding liberals) January 2020 2.33+ All technical courses up to 6th semester courses (excluding liberals) May 2020
For any questions about the co-operative internship program admission application process, please contact: Yvonne Cordwell, ENG478, <> - ) I do not qualify for the Co-operative Internship Program (see FAQ #14) but I found a job. Can this count as formal "Internship"?
- NO. If you do not find a placement through our CIP program then the job you have found is not a formal internship and the Department will not issue any letters or paperwork stating otherwise, nor will it provide any letter to the employer for tax purposes.
- ) I want to change programs within the Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science. What do I do
- You need to fill out a Plan Change Request Form and submit it to your current department. This form can be found here: NOTE: Please note the Plan/Major change reference in the form correspond to a program change for FEAS programs. All program change requests must be submitted prior to the start of the next academic term. Also, changing programs may also change your curriculum assignment. To determine your new curriculum requirements, you should run an Advisement Report on MyServiceHub, or request a manual Advisement Report from Curriculum Advising if you are a part-time student. For example, if you want to change from Electrical to Biomedical, there are a number of courses that you may be missing that you would have to enroll in, and complete, to fulfill pre-requisites for other courses in the new program.
- ) I don't agree with the final grade I earned in my course. What can I do?
- According to TMU Senate Policy 162: “If you believe that an assignment, test or exam should be remarked or that there should be a reassessment of a grade based on a calculation error, you must have first made the request to the course instructor within ten (10) working days of the date when the graded work was returned to the class. If the instructor denies, or does not respond to the request for a grade reassessment within ten (10) working days, or if the student disagrees with the result, the student may submit a formal request for grade reassessment to the Chair/Director of the Department/ School offering the course within ten (10) working days. If the grading issue cannot be resolved informally with the instructor and/or the Chair/Director, then you can file an academic appeal.”
Refer to Senate Policy 168 for details and also this page: - ) I need to write my final exam early due to XXXX. Can this be done?
- NO. Definitely not. No exceptions. If you have a valid reason for missing the scheduled exam, then you can write a make-up exam on the schedule make-up exam date. No early exams have ever been, nor will ever be, scheduled.
- ) I will be away during the scheduled final exam date. Can I write my make-up exam when I am back in town?
- NO. Definitely not. As an adult and a responsible student it is expected that you show up for the final exam and/or the final make-up exam on the scheduled date. No exception. If you miss the final exam for a valid reason and have verifiable proof, you will be scheduled to write a make-up exam. However, if you have booked flights or made travel plans, this does not mean that the Department will accommodate your schedule and allow you to write a make-up exam when convenient for you. It is up to you to make sure that your travel plans do not overlap with your expected academic responsibilities. If you need to, change your travel plans.
- ) I have an issue about how a course is taught and/or managed. What do I do?
- For minor issues and/or clarification on course management or teaching style, you would typically discuss this with the instructor of the course. However, If the issue was not resolved with the instructor or the issue is of a more serious matter or you just don’t feel that you can discuss the matter with the instructor, then please contact the Department Chair at <> with your concern. NOTE: Rest assured that any and all such correspondence with the Department Chair will be taken very seriously and will be treated with strict confidentiality and anonymity.
- ) I missed course intentions or I now have the pre-requisites for courses that were not available to me during course intentions. What do I do?
- Students who do not participate in the Course Intention process, will be responsible for enrolling in courses that are appropriate to their degree plan (and will meet the requirements for graduation) during their Enrolment Appointment or Open Enrolment period for the term in question via MyServiceHub. This includes students that may have completed courses since course intentions and now have the required pre-reqs to enrol in courses that were unavailable to them during the course intentions period. For more information, see the Enrolment secion of the Student Guide at
- ) Are my Course Intention selections guaranteed?
- While the University makes every effort to enrol students in all course intention selections, there are occasions where a course intention selection cannot be accommodated.
Possible reasons could include:- Student hold(s) on file that block enrolment at the time of schedule upload;
- Course requisite, pre-requirements, or co-requisites not met;
- Class conflict;
- Class enrolment capacity;
- Or a combination of one or more of the reasons listed above.
All students have opportunities to make adjustments to their schedule during the open enrolment period. For all details please click here:
- ) What should I do if I receive an error message or I have a “hold” on my account when selecting my Course Intentions?
- If you encounter an error message during the Course Intention selection process, review the message to determine if you are able to resolve it. Please contact, or your Program Director, for assistance if needed. Students with certain holds on file (that block enrolment) may be prohibited from enrolment (which includes participating in course intentions) until action is taken by the student to resolve the issue which has caused the hold.
- ) What do I do if I need accommodation for a disability?
- Contact the University’s Academic Accommodation Support (AAS). You can contact the main office at the following link:, call them at 416-979-5290 or e-mail them at <>. They will consider your request and assess your needs. If warranted, they will provide you with documentation outlining the accommodation you require. Upon receiving any such documentation, present it to your instructor(s) before any graded assignment, test, or exam, as it will not be accepted if submitted late. For complete details on academic accommodation of students with disabilities, refer to TMU Senate Policy 159 at the following link:
- ) What happens if I don’t pass the Writing Skills Test?
- If you don't pass the WST, you will receive a grade of INP (in-progress) in CEN 199, and will be required to enroll in LNG 111, LNG 112, LNG 113, or LNG 121, depending on the outcome of the WST assessment. These courses are writing-intensive humanities and social science courses designed to give students the opportunity to strengthen their foundations in communication. They also count as lower-level Liberal Studies courses.
You may not proceed into the third year of your engineering program without passing the WST. But if you don't pass during Orientation, don't worry; you will have three more chances to write and pass the test. Further information and details can be found at this link: - ) Where can I find out about the Optional Specialization in Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (OSEIE) program?
- Please visit the Optional Specialization in Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship website at the following link:
- ) I want to take a course at another university for credit (e.g. to replace an ECB equivalent I failed). Can I do that?
- YES, it is possible. However, for potential of approval, you may need to make sure the “outside” course satisfies at least the following criteria: (a) it has to be at the same or higher year level of the home course, and with same or more lecture/lab hours per week; (b) it must have similar coverage and depth for both lectures and labs; (c) it cannot be taken through any Continuing Education at any University; (d) the course evaluation has to be consistent with the "home" course as noted in the course outline; and (e) it is from an accredited engineering program and is offered as a day-time equivalent to the course in your “home” program.
If you are eligible for "Letter of Permission" and have met all the prerequisites for the home course that you want to take at another University for credit then you can contact the Program Director of your program to confirm equivalency of the outside course. You would need to provide the full course description of the course from the other University, including all details such as textbook, course outline, grading breakdown and especially all details regarding any lab component. You would have to complete a Letter of Permission form, found at this link:, in order to take any courses at other accredited post-secondary institutions for credit towards the Toronto MU degree. Once the course is completed you would have to request a Transfer Credit. Visit the Transfer Credit website for more information and details:
- ) What is the Spring Transition Program?
- The Spring Transition Program for EE, COE and BME programs, was created to provide students who may need more time to adapt to the demanding university curriculum with an immediate opportunity to upgrade their academic standings and/or to complete missing and/or failed courses. The Spring Transition Program is offered through the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS), and NOT by the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering. It is administered and managed by the Engineering Dean’s Office, including the selection of specific and limited number of courses offered each Spring. More information and details can be found at this link:
- List of upcoming Spring Courses are published by the Dean’s office prior to the final course-drop deadline of the Winter semester. Up until then, interested students may wish to check out the schedule for prior Spring semester courses at this link ( for an indication of courses likely to be offered for the upcoming Spring semester, although there are no guarantees as to which courses will be offered from year to year.
If you are interested in taking a Spring Transition course, students can enroll into the Spring Transition course(s) during open enrollment via MyServiceHub.
NOTE:- As spaces are always limited in the Transition Program courses, priority consideration will be given to those students who are missing courses required for promotion and students who are required to take courses as part of their probationary contracts.
- Any student who is considering to enrol in the Transition Program courses to upgrade or to 'fast-track' can always do so during Open Registration in early May, pending space availability, completion of prerequisites and no scheduling conflicts.
- ) I am on Probation. Why do I have to repeat a course that I have passed with a D-?
- The goal of a probationary contract and the courses assigned, is to provide you with an opportunity to improve your academic situation by increasing your CGPA and clearing your academic standing. The grade earned for a repeated course is substituted for the previous grade in calculating subsequent grade point averages even if the later grade is lower. However, both grades are recorded on your transcript.
- ) I can’t access MyServiceHub, D2L or my “” account. What do I do?
- Contact Computing and Communications Services (CCS) at KHW 71. You can also call them at 416-979-5000 x556840, e-mail them at <> or visit the website: NOTE: The Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering is NOT in charge of these services.
- ) I can’t access, or have problems, with my “” account. What do I do?
- Contact the tech admins of the Department in room ENG 439 or e-mail them at <> or <>.
- ) I have a question regarding the Department’s computing and lab facilities.?
- First, read the Network User’s Guide at this link: If you still have a question, then contact support as outlined in FAQ #33 above.
- ) I would like to access lab equipment during unscheduled hours. Can I do this?
- Unfortunately, not at this time.
- ) I am in my 4th year and I failed a course. Do I need to come back again next year?
- YES. 4th year is no different than any other academic year. If you fail a course, you need to make up for that failure to satisfy your graduation requirements. So that means that you have to come back next academic year. If you failed a 7th semester course, then you need to come back the following Fall to retake that course (or another). Similarly, if you failed an 8th semester course then you need to come back in the following Winter term (and before you ask: No, you cannot take a Fall course and count it towards a Winter course; see FAQ #37. NOTE: There is a possibility that there may be some 4th year courses offered in Spring Transition, but this is not guaranteed and can change from year to year.
- ) I am currently taking Table I/II courses in the 7th/8th semester. If I fail a course, or if I'm taking extra courses, can I exchange Table I courses for Table II (or vice versa) so that I can fulfill my graduation requirements?
- Definitely Not! Table I courses count towards 7th semester requirements and Table II towards 8th semester. This is a strict policy and these cannot be moved around to satisfy any missing courses etc.
- ) How do I renew my entrance scholarship?
- The Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering does not deal with this. Please visit the Scholarships website at the following link: where you can find information pertaining to all scholarships.
- ) I want to improve the grade in some of my past courses but I have already graduated from the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering. Is it possible for me to come back and do this?
- NO. Once you graduate, your transcript will be frozen with the grades and CGPA that you earned at the time of graduation, and you cease to be a student. Your status is "general public" after graduation, and you are not permitted to take any day-time program courses at Toronto Metropolitan University.
- ) I want to improve the grade in some of my past courses and I am currently able to apply to graduate. What should I do?
- If you wish to upgrade past courses you must remain a student after you complete 4th year. So you will have to delay applying for graduation until you complete all the upgrades that you want. NOTE: You cannot come back to upgrade courses after you have graduated (see FAQ #39).
- ) Who do I speak to in the Department for issues/questions/advice?
If you don’t find your question listed above, then please go to the front office of the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at ENG 478 or by email The admins at the front desk will be able to provide any further help and/or direct you to the correct person or office. Some issues and questions, (e.g., course advice, course selection, program changes, overall advice, etc.), can be directed to the Program Director of your respective program. For student issues (e.g., academic standing, probation, appeals), the Associate Chair for Student Affairs should be contacted. For all graduate school enquiries, contact the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies.
The current Departmental Administration can always be found on our departmental website at the following page: - ) How do I seek temporary leave-of-absence (or) Short-Term Withdrawal from my program?
- The process to apply for Short-Term Withdrawal is outlined at Please note the following: (a) Regardless of short-term withdrawal submission, any leave of absence WILL COUNT towards the 8-year timespan limit to complete your program. (b) The University strongly encourages undergraduate students who are considering taking a break, to submit the short-term withdrawal request as a method of notifying the University of their intention as opposed to just not enrolling in courses.
- ) How do I apply for the new Software Option?
- In order to get into the new Software Option, you must do an online Major/Plan Change on MyServiceHub. For details, please refer to the Major/Plan Change Guide.
IMPORTANT: This option is only available to students who are in 2nd year who are a part of the 2018 cohort. As students are going into their 3rd year in 2020-2021, the new Software Engineering curriculum begins at Year 3, and these students would be aligned to complete this curriculum accordingly. Students who are currently completing their first year (admitted in 2019-2020) will not have access to make this plan change on MyServiceHub until they reach their second year in the 2020-2021 academic year in September. Students who are eligible to take the new option but do not select it in their 2nd year accordingly, are required to submit a TMU Plan Change form in order to make this change.
Earlier cohorts are not eligible to access the new Software Engineering plan. For example, students admitted in 2017 are currently completing their 3rd year in this academic year and referencing the 2019-2020 calendar for their 3rd year requirements. This group of students do not have access to the new option as they are going into their 4th year for 2020-2021 (and the software engineering option begins in Year 3). Students admitted in 2016 are currently in 4th year and referencing the 2019-2020 calendar for their 4th year requirements, where the new option does not appear. All out of phase students are similarly ineligible as they are referencing earlier calendars for their curriculum requirements. - ) How do I get enrolled and select my course intentions in the new Software Engineering Option?
- In order to be eligible to do your Course Intentions for the new Software Option for Fall 2020/Winter 2021, you must first change your major on MyServiceHub. For details, please refer to the Major/Plan Change Guide (also refer to FAQ #43).
If you are in 2nd year and have done the online Major/Plan Change for the Software Option, you can then log onto MyServiceHub and select your course intentions for this Progam. Please visit the Course Intentions page for help on applying for course intentions.
IMPORTANT:This option is only available to students who are in 2nd year who are a part of the 2018 cohort and later. As students are going into their 3rd year in 2020-2021, the new Software Engineering curriculum begins at Year 3, and those students would be aligned to complete this curriculum accordingly. Students who are currently completing their first year (admitted in 2019-2020) will not have access to make this plan change on MyServiceHub until they reach their second year in the 2020-2021 academic year in September. Students who are eligible to take the new option but do not select it in their 2nd year accordingly, are required to submit a TMU Plan Change form in order to make this change.
Earlier cohorts are not eligible to access the new Software Engineering option. For example, students admitted in 2017 are currently completing their 3rd year in this academic year and referencing the 2019-2020 calendar for their 3rd year requirements. This group of students do not have access to the new option as they are going into their 4th year for 2020-2021 (and the software engineering option begins in Year 3). Students admitted in 2016 are currently in 4th year and referencing the 2019-2020 calendar for their 4th year requirements, where the new option does not appear. All out of phase students are similarly ineligible as they are referencing earlier calendars for their curriculum requirements.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you are not formally in the software engineering option, DO NOT enrol in the courses that are unique to that option thinking that you will get in later. Getting into the option is NOT GUARANTEED since it is based on demand and space availability. Just because you decided to take the courses that are unique to the option does not entitle you to get into the option. - ) Why am I on Probation?
You are on probation because you either did NOT maintain a minimum CGPA (cumulative GPA) of 1.67 and/or you did NOT obtain a TGPA (term GPA) of 1.33 or higher. In addition to the general criteria used to determine Academic Standing, students in all engineering programs must also meet the following conditions:
All students in undergraduate Engineering programs have an additional condition for Clear academic standing. In addition to students needing a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 1.67 or higher, students also need to have a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of 1.33 or higher, based on at least two reported grades for that term (not including Pass, DEF, INP or AEG grades). Students who have a TGPA less than 1.33 will be given PROBATIONARY Academic Standing. Students with only one reported grade for that term will be evaluated based on CGPA only.
- ) What does it mean to be on Probation?
When you are on Probation, the Department will issue you a probationary course load in your upcoming semester that will consist of up to 4 courses (and may include repeat courses), to give you the best chance to succeed. NOTE: Being on probation is one small step away from being RTW (Required To Withdraw, i.e., suspended for 12 months) if you fail to achieve a minimum TGPA (term GPA) of 1.67 (C- average). So, be mindful of this when the probationary load is assigned to you.
Please refer to University Policy 46 pertaining to Academic Standings for any further details.
- ) Why is my advisement report giving me errors and not reflecting what I see in the current university calendar?
This usually means that you are what is called an "out of step" student. This happens if you go on co-op or are not on the 4 year graduation track (e.g., spread out your load, or failed courses and have a delayed graduation). During this extra time, the calendar for your program changed.
For example, a 4th year course may have moved from one semester to another, or a course was deleted and replaced with another. Your advisement report is basing your course requirements on the academic calendar that pertains to your first entry date and then the subsequent calendar for each year. For example, if you entered in F2018, for your second year program requirements, the advisement report is looking at the 2019/20 calendar. Similarly, for 3rd year it is looking at the 2020/21 calendar year. So if you are an F2018 entry student and taking 4th year courses in 2022/23, your advisement report will be looking at the calendar of 2021/22 to determine which courses you can take to satisfy graduation requirements, even though you are probably looking at the 2022/23 calendar to pick courses.
So when picking courses and trying to figure out your advisement report, be sure to look at the calendar that applies to you. If you are on track and not on delayed graduation (e.g., co-op) then you should have no issues and use the most current calendar. Otherwise, use the calendar that applies to your year.
Please refer to FAQ #49 for more details.
- ) How do I fix advisement report errors?
Most errors in an advisement report are due to the situation described in FAQ #47. The most common ones are due to 4th year courses being moved or deleted. To fix these advisement issues you need to e-mail your program director (,, to seek advice and guidance. In most cases a course directive form will need to be submitted but that is after the department has looked at your situation.
- ) Which Calendars should I follow to determine my Graduation Requirements?
Your Academic Advisement Report shows all the courses you have taken (or are enrolled in) and those courses needed in order for you to graduate. You can check the appropriate calendar for your year of entry at However, your advisement report remains the most reliable source of information for you.
- ) How can I enroll into Chang School courses?
Engineering undergraduate students are only allowed to take Chang School courses as part of their undergraduate career from the following groups:
- Liberal Studies courses;
- CCMN 432 and CECN 801;
- CE courses that are part of a Minor.
To enroll into Liberal Studies courses, CCMN432 or CECN801, you may enroll yourself on MyServiceHub, or request enrollment by emailing
To enroll into a Chang School course that is part of a minor, you must contact the Associate Dean's office for approval at
- ) I am not sure who to go to for my specific issue. What services and resources are available to students on campus for conflict resolution?
- Please see this Contact Sheet for a list of available services and resources specific to conflict resolution.
- ) Where can I report an incident that is specific to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion?
- You can submit an EDI specific incident using this ECBE EDI Contact Form and one of our ECBE EDI Faculty representatives will review it and get back to you.